Christmas is a wonderful time. Whether you are stuffing your faces with sweet treats, spending quality time with the family or getting into the festive spirit, Christmas is a time to unwind and overindulge.
With everyone together relaxing during the holiday, boredom can surface and raise its ugly head.
One idea for when you are next gathered together with the family and thinking of something different to do that will be entertaining, is by getting creative and doing some colouring.
We are not talking about getting out an adult colouring in book that has been trending over the last two years, we are referring to the ceramic travel mugs and worktop savers.
These fun and alternative mugs and coasters are designed for those wanting to get creative and to express themselves through colour.
No matter which you choose to get creative with or which pattern you go for, you can guarantee an afternoon of fun.
Each item comes with a pack of four coloured pens: red, green, yellow and blue, which you can use to colour in your mug.
For those who are a little fussy and may change their mind, until you go to bake your product, you can wash the ink off and start again, perfect for when the little ones make a mistake or draw over the lines.
So how does the ink stay on the finished product?
When you have finished colouring in your mug or worktop saver and you are happy with the finished piece, you will need to bake it in the oven.
The key to keep the remaining colour is to bake your design in the oven for 45 minutes at a 218°C heat.
After placing your final product in the oven and left on the side to cool down, you can admire your artist skills and colour coordination.
For those artists wanting to show off their creations, you can use the travel mug for your morning commute to work, filling it up with either coffee or a hot mug of fresh tea.
If you are wanting to protect your coffee table, place your personally drawn coaster underneath for guests to use when they visit.
The just add colour collection is the ideal gift for Christmas along with being a perfect afternoon activity to complete with the kids.
If you are wanting to look at the whole collection or are thinking of purchasing one as a gift for your fashionable friend or a trendy child, visit our website.